This January, the c.sides festival, the largest festival for electronic music
and media arts in Israel (and probably in the Middle East) will give its first
presentation in Germany.
an Israeli-German initiative, will go into its third year in 2007. The project
curators decided to bring the project into visibility also in Germany and to bring
forth a series of productions over on this side of the ocean.
first event will commence in Berlin with a 12 hour showcase that follows the structure
of the c.sides Festival in Jerusalem - an array of presentations, commented video
art screenings and, of course, a full night of performances and dj sets. All participating
performers and artists performed and have been involved in the productions in
Israel over the past two years.
hours of c.sides - presentations, performances, screenings and all-nighter with:
22:00-23:00h: Barbara Morgenstern (Monika Enterprise, Domino -
23:00-00:00h: Gelbart (Tel Aviv - live)
00:00-01:00h: Frivolous (~scape,
Background, Karloff - Montreal, Canada - live)
01:00-02:00h: Lawrence (Dial
Rec., Ladomat 2000, Ghostly Int. - live)
02:00-03:30h: glitterbug (c.sides
- Cologne/Jerusalem, DJ)
03:30-05:00h: Gebr. Teichmann (Festplatten, Kompakt
- Berlin)
05:00-end: Falko Brocksieper (Sub Static. Karloff - Berlin)
and screenings by:
(Tokyo/Berlin, VJ)
Imri Kahn (Tel Aviv)
Lada Nova (Jerusalem, Israel,
Orit Hasson (Tel Aviv)
Ronni Shendar (c.sides, Jerusalem)
more to be announced! 20:00
- 22:00 c.sides project presentation and commented video screenings of works presented
last summer in Israel. (in English)
22:00 - 08:00 (minimum) live performances
and DJ's till dawn...
c.sides Festival is an international festival for electronic music and new media
art, focusing on contemporary innovative independent music and critical content.
will be 8€ regular / 18€ incl. the 4 CD festival compilation.
press release (pdf) with further information can be downloaded here
this is the flyer (front and back):