Archive for the 'festival countdown' Category

The German ‘Intro Magazine’ on c.sides

Grab your free copy of the Intro Magazine 170 (April 2009) somewhere around your city (if you live in Germany) or download the article as pdf’s here: article on c.sides / Intro 170, page 42 article on c.sides / Intro 170, page 43 Really nice article saying a lot of really nice things about us […]

Some history…

…before we open the doors with our first event tomorrow (the presentations at Levontin 7) and two days before the actual festival starts, we wanted to share a little bit of history with all of you out there… so we proudly present: a little video of our 2006 production, back in the days still in […]

Festival Countdown! with Duprass

duprass will be joined by none other than multi-talented karni postel for a special c.sides show 诇拽讟 砖诇 讛爪诪讚 ‘讚讜驻专住’. 讗诇讬讛诐 转爪讟专祝 讛诪讜住讬拽讗讬转 讛诪讜诇讟讬-讻砖专讜谞讬转 拽专谞讬 驻讜住讟诇 讘诪讜驻注 诪讬讜讞讚

Counting down the days… today with: Nico Teen!

Performance schedule online!

Check out the schedule page for details!!!

Efterklang are here…讗驻讟专拽诇讗谞讙

…and started rehearsing and recording new materials. Hey, c.sides 2009 is coming together so nicely, – 8 days before doors open to the public!… .讜讛诐 讻讘专 讛讞诇讜 诇注砖讜转 讞讝专讜转 讜诇讛拽诇讬讟 讞讜诪专讬诐 讞讚砖讬诐. 讻讬祝. 讬讗诇诇讛 注讜讚 8 讬诪讬诐…聽


…Murat Tepeli finally got his visa from the Israeli embassy, it must mean that its happening… no? The suspense, the suspense… one more week!! 讗诐 诪讜专讟 讟驻诇讬 拽讬讘诇 讗转 讛讜讬讝讛 砖诇讜 (住讜祝 住讜祝) 诪砖讙专讬专讜转 讬砖专讗诇, 讻谞专讗讛 砖讝讛 讘讗诪转 讘讗诪转 拽讜专讛…讗讜? 注讜讚 砖讘讜注!聽

Counting down the days… today with: Marcin Czubala!

Yes! Yes! Yeeeeees!!!

Counting down the days… today with: Asi Mina!!

Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!! They are coming so soon!

there it is… over there!

… up there, not far from the shore, follow the pink arrow… it’s just another 11 days! hurray!