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The 3rd c.sides Festival will host over 30 performances from Israel and around the world! performances, parties,dj’s and video installations will create an exciting celebration of music and new media art in a mesmerizingย event that brings together some of the finest artists worldwide.

We are updating this site daily with the festival participants, including audio files, photos and video – so click on the artist names and start getting familiar…see you in February!


Efterklang // Leaf Label, Rumraket (DK)

Efdemin // Dial (DE)


dOP // Circus Company, Milnormodern, Supplement Facts (FR)


Asi Mina & The Complainer // Mik Musik (PL)


Guy Gerber // Supplement Facts, Cocoon (IL)


Carsten Jostย // dial (DE)


Falko Brocksieperย // SubStatic, Karloff (DE)


Murat Tepeli // Osgut Ton, Playhouse (DE)


Marcin Czubala // Mobilee (PL)


Jacopo Carreras // Lan Muzic (IT/DE)


glitterbug & macaroniย // c.sides (DE/IL)


John Kameel Farrahย // Dross:tik Records (CA)


Anna with Maurice // Pacotek (IL)


Johan Fotmeijer // Aesthetik Records (SE)


Gangpol & Mit // Wwilko (FR)


Maya Dunietz // (IL)


The Models // Ak Duck (IL)


Nico Teen // AK Duck (IL)


Soussana // Pacotek (IL)

Acute // Pleasent Recording, Ak Duck (IL)


Bloke // ยฑG6PD, Digital Cranky, Machine Records (IL)


Yayehe Smon Mehari // (IL)


Uri Lahav // Cheap Friday (IL)


Yair Etziony & Kapi // Spekk, False Ind. (IL)


Deep’a // Jackin’ (IL)


Ido Govrin, Liora Belford, Karni Postel // Interval (IL)


Elodie Pong // (CH)


Aki Nakazawa // (JP)


Khavn de la Cruz // (PH)


Neil Beloufa // (FR)


Pinny Grylls // (UK)


Shelly Silver // (USA)


Nicole Rebmann // film:on (DE)


the list will be completed shortly… stay tuned!