Efdemin // Dial (DE)

After releasing his first (selftitled) full-length album on Dial Records in May 2007 and putting out a numerous of remixes, Efdemin has been constantly behind the decks somewhere presenting his concepts of music with his ability to blend between house, minimal and techno. Efdemin knows how to adjust old school influences to contemporary listening habits. His unique DJ-Style with its eclectic mix of strict but deeply detailed tracks provide a continual sense of excitement and beautifully graze over the night.

诇讗讞专 砖讛讜爪讬讗 讗转 讗诇讘讜诪讜 讛诪诇讗 讛专讗砖讜谉 讘诇讬讬讘诇 ‘Dial Records’ 讘诪讗讬 2007, 讜诇讗讞专 讗讬谞住驻讜专 专诪讬拽住讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐, 讗驻讚诪讬谉 诇讗 注讝讘 讗转 注诪讚转 讛讚讬讙’讬, 诇讗 讛驻住讬拽 诇讛爪讬讙 讗转 讛转驻讬住讛 讛诪讜住讬拽诇讬转 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬转 砖诇讜 讜讬讻讜诇讜转讬讜 诇砖诇讘 讘讬谉 讛讗讜住, 诪讬谞讬诪诇 讜讟讻谞讜. 讗驻讚诪讬谉 讬讜讚注 诇讛转讗讬诐 讗转 讛讛砖驻注讜转 砖诇 诪拽讜专讜转 讛诪讜住讬拽讛 讛讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬转 诇讛专讙诇讬 讛讛讗讝谞讛 讛注讻砖讜讜讬讬诐. 讬砖 诇讜 住讟讬讬诇 讬讬讞讜讚讬 讻讚讬讙’讬 注诐 诪讬拽住 讗拽诇拽讟讬, 拽驻讚谞讬 讜诪驻讜专讟 砖诇 讟专拽讬诐 注诪讜拽讬诐 讜转讞讜砖讛 诪转诪砖讻转 砖诇 讛转诇讛讘讜转 讛谞讬讙专转 讘注讚讬谞讜转 讘诪讛诇讱 讛诇讬诇讛.

more info coming soon! Until then, please visit Efdemin’s Myspace!

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