Guy Gerber // Supplement Facts, Cocoon (IL)

Guy Gerber, Israel’s techno legend, has been stirring up electronic audiences with his anthem releases, and live shows for quite some time. For the past years he has been touring the world, running his successful label Supplement Facts and continuing with fine line of remixes and releases. He is currently working on his promising new album.

讙讬讗 讙专讘专, 讗讙讚转 讟讻谞讜 讬砖专讗诇讬转, 诪转住讬住 讻讘专 讗转 拽讛诇 讛诪讜住讬拽讛 讛讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬转 讘注讜诇诐 注诐 讛讛诪谞讜谞讬诐 砖讛讜爪讬讗 讜讛诪讜驻注 讛讞讬 讛诪注讜诇讛 砖诇讜 诪讝讛 转拽讜驻讛 讗专讜讻讛. 讘砖谞讬诐 讛讗讞专讜谞讜转 讛讜讗 诪讜驻讬注 讘专讞讘讬 讛注讜诇诐, 诪专讬抓 讗转 讛诇讬讬讘诇 讛诪讜爪诇讞 Supplement Facts 讜诪诪砖讬讱 讘拽讜 诪讛讜讚拽 砖诇 专讬诇讬住讬诐 讜专诪讬拽住讬诐. 讘讬诪讬诐 讗诇讜 讛讜讗 注讜讘讚 注诇 讗诇讘讜诪讜 讛讞讚砖 讛诪讘讟讬讞.

please also visit Guy Gerber’s Myspace

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