Aki Nakazawa // (JP)

讗拽讬 谞拽讝讗讜讜讛, 砖谞讜诇讚讛 讘讟讜拽讬讜, 讛讬讗 讗诪谞讬转 讜讬讚讗讜 讜讗讜爪专转 砖诇 住专讟讬诐 拽爪专讬诐 讜讗诪谞讜转 诪讚讬讛 讞讚砖讛. 讛讬讗 讞讬讛 讜注讜讘讚转 讘拽诇谉 讘讙专诪谞讬讛 讜讘讟讜拽讬讜. 诇讗讞专 诇讬诪讜讚讬 讗诪谞讜转 讜讬讝讜讗诇讬转 讜讜讬讚讗讜-讗专讟 讘讬驻谉, 讛讬讗 驻注讬诇讛 讻讗诪谞讬转, 讗讜爪专转 讜诪讜专讛 讘诪讜住讚讜转 砖讜谞讬诐 诇诇讬诪讜讚讬 讗诪谞讜转. 讬爪讬专讜转讬讛, 讘诪讚讬讜转 砖讜谞讜转 讻讜讬讚讗讜-讗专讟 注讚 讗谞讬诪爪讬讛, 讘讜讞谞讜转 讗转 讛讙讘讜诇讜转 讘讬谉 讛讚讜拽讜诪谞讟爪讬讛 诇讘讬诪讜讬, 讜讘讬谉 讗诪转 诇驻讬拽爪讬讛.

住专讟讛 ‘Negai wo hiku (Drawing Wishes)’ 讬讜拽专谉 讘讜讬讚讗讜-诇讗讜谞讙’

Aki Nakazawa, born in Tokyo, Japan, is a video artist and a curator for short-film and media-art. She lives and works in Cologne and Tokyo. Following her studies of visual-media and video-art at the College of Art, Nihon University in Tokyo, she has been active as both an artist, a curator and a teacher in various art institutions. Her works, from video-art to documentary and animation, examine the border between fiction and non-fiction.

Her film ‘Negai wo hiku (Drawing Wishes)’ will be screened in the video-lounge.

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