Falko Brocksieper // SubStatic, Karloff (DE)

讘专讜拽住讬驻专 讛讜讗 讚诪讜转 诪讜讻专转 讜诪讜注专讻转 讘住爪讬谞转 讛讟讻谞讜 讻诪驻讬拽 砖爪诪讞 讘住爪谞讛 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬转 砖诇 砖谞讜转 讛-90 讘拽诇谉, 讛砖讬诪讜砖 讘爪讬讜讚聽讗谞诇讜讙讬 讘讛驻拽讛 讜爪诇讬诇 讬讬讞讜讚讬 砖诪转讻转讘 注诐 讛诪拽讜专讜转 讛诪讜住讬拽诇讬讬诐 讘讚讟专讜讬讟.聽讘专讜拽住讬驻专 讛讜驻讬注 讻讚讬 讙’讬 诪住驻专 驻注诪讬诐 讘讗专抓 讜转诪讬讚 讘讜谞讛 住讟讬诐 诪讚讜讬讬拽讬诐, 砖讞讜诇砖讬诐 注诇 讛讛住讟讜专讬讛 砖诇 讛转驻转讞讜转 讛讝’讗谞专 – 诇讗讬砖 讬砖 讗讜住祝 转拽诇讬讟讬诐 砖诇讗 讛讬讛 诪讘讬讬砖 讗转 讛诪诇讻讛.

诪注讘专 诇讻砖专讜谞讜 讛诪讜住讬拽诇讬, 讘专讜拽住讬驻专 讛讜讗 讙诐 讛讙讗讜谉 讛讜讬讝讜讗诇讬 砖讗讞专讗讬 诇专讜讘 讛注讬爪讜讘讬诐 砖诇 住讬 住讬讬讚讝 诇讗讜专讱 讛砖谞讬诐, 讻讜诇诇 砖谞转 2009… 讗谞讜 诪讜专讬讚讬诐 讗转 讛讻讜讘注, 诪讜拽讬专讬诐 转讜讚讛, 讜诪讞讻讬诐 注诇 专讞讘转 讛专讬拽讜讚讬诐.


Falko Brocksieper is a known and appreciated producer and the head of Substatic and Karloff recordings. His music is known as 聽producer that developed within Cologne’s unique techno scene in the 90′s, using analogue equipment and a unique sound that is influenced by its musical roots in Detroit. Brocksiper has performed as a dj several times in Israel and he always builds his聽intuitive聽precise sets that sail through the history and development of this musical genre, as the man has a record collection that would not shame the queen….

Beyond his musical talents, Brocksieper is the visual genius responsible for most of c.sides graphics throughout the years…so we take of our hats, curtsy with gratitude and wait on the dancefloor.


Falko Brocksieper in action

Falko Brocksieper in action

1 Response to Falko Brocksieper // SubStatic, Karloff (DE)

  1. c.sides 2009 » Counting down the days… today: with Falko Brocksieper!

    [...] dear Falko Brocksieper live @ Dice in Berlin (a new venue that did not even open [...]

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