Archive for January, 2009

Pinny Grylls // (UK)

驻谞讬 讙专讬诇住 讛讬讗 讘诪讗讬转 砖谞讜诇讚讛 讜讞讬讛 讘诇讜谞讚讜谉. 诇讗讞专 诇讬诪讜讚讬 讗谞转专讜驻讜诇讜讙讬讛 讜讗专讻讬讗讜诇讜讙讬讛 讘讗讜谞讬讘专住讬讟转 讗讜拽住驻讜专讚, 讛讬讗 讛拽讬诪讛, 讬讞讚 注诐 专讬讬爪’诇 诪讬诇讜讜专讚, 讗转 驻住讟讬讘诇 Birds Eye View 讗砖专 讘讗 诇讛爪讬讙 注讘讜讚讜转 砖诇 讘诪讗讬讜转 讘转讞讬诇转 讚专讻谉.聽诇讗讞专 驻注讬诇讜转讛 讘驻住讟讬讘诇 讛讬讗 讛诪砖讬讻讛 讻讘诪讗讬转 住专讟讬诐 拽爪专讬诐 讜诪砖谞转 2005 讛讬讗 诪转诪拽讚转 讘讘讬诪讜讬 住专讟讬诐 讚讜拽讜诪谞讟专讬诐. 住专讟讛 ‘Peter&Ben’ 讬讜拽专谉 讘讜讬讚讗讜-诇讗讜谞讙’. 讗转专: 聽 Pinny Grylls […]

Neil Beloufa // (FR)

谞讬诇 讘诇讜驻讛 谞讜诇讚 讘 1985 讘驻专讬讝 诇讛讜专讬诐 讗诇讙’讬专讬诐 讜爪专驻转讬诐. 讛讜讗 讞讬 讜注讜讘讚 讻讗诪谉 讜讬讚讗讜, 讗诪谉 诪讬爪讙 讜驻住诇 讘驻专讬讝 诇讗讞专 砖诇诪讚 讘- Acad脠mie des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Cooper Union New York 讜- California Instute of the Arts in Valencia. 注讘讜讚讜转讬讜 讛讜爪讙讜 讘转注专讜讻讜转 讜驻住讟讬讘诇讬诐 讘专讞讘讬 讛注讜诇诐 讜讛讜讗 讝讻讛 讘驻专住讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐. 住专讟讜 注讟讜专 讛驻专住讬诐 “Kempinski” 讬讜拽专谉 讘讜讬讚讗讜 诇讗讜谞讙’ […]

Khavn De La Cruz // (PH)

注诐 诪注诇 诇-70 住专讟讬诐 拽爪专讬诐 讜讘讗讜专讱 诪诇讗, 拽讗讜讜谉 讚讛 诇讛 拽专讜讝 讛讜讗 讗讜诇讬 讛讬讜爪专 讛讞砖讜讘 讘讬讜转专 讘讬谉 讛讬讜爪专讬诐 讘讗谞讚专讙专讗讜谞讚 讛驻讬诇讬驻讬谞讬. 讚讛 诇讛 拽专讜讝 讛讜讗 讗诪谉 讜讬讜爪专 专讘 转讞讜诪讬 讛注讜讘讚 讻诪诇讞讬谉, 诪谞讛诇 砖诇 驻住讟讬讘诇 MOV 讛讘讬诇讗讜诪讬 诇拽讜诇谞讜注 讚讬讙讬讟诇讬 讘驻讬诇讬驻讬谞讬诐 讜诪谞讛诇 讗转 讞讘专转 讛讛驻拽讜转 砖讛拽讬诐, Filmless Films, 讛聽 住专讟讜 ‘Rugby Boys’ 讬讜拽专谉 讘讜讬讚讗讜 诇讗讜谞讙’ 讗转专:聽 With more […]

Aki Nakazawa // (JP)

讗拽讬 谞拽讝讗讜讜讛, 砖谞讜诇讚讛 讘讟讜拽讬讜, 讛讬讗 讗诪谞讬转 讜讬讚讗讜 讜讗讜爪专转 砖诇 住专讟讬诐 拽爪专讬诐 讜讗诪谞讜转 诪讚讬讛 讞讚砖讛. 讛讬讗 讞讬讛 讜注讜讘讚转 讘拽诇谉 讘讙专诪谞讬讛 讜讘讟讜拽讬讜. 诇讗讞专 诇讬诪讜讚讬 讗诪谞讜转 讜讬讝讜讗诇讬转 讜讜讬讚讗讜-讗专讟 讘讬驻谉, 讛讬讗 驻注讬诇讛 讻讗诪谞讬转, 讗讜爪专转 讜诪讜专讛 讘诪讜住讚讜转 砖讜谞讬诐 诇诇讬诪讜讚讬 讗诪谞讜转. 讬爪讬专讜转讬讛, 讘诪讚讬讜转 砖讜谞讜转 讻讜讬讚讗讜-讗专讟 注讚 讗谞讬诪爪讬讛, 讘讜讞谞讜转 讗转 讛讙讘讜诇讜转 讘讬谉 讛讚讜拽讜诪谞讟爪讬讛 诇讘讬诪讜讬, 讜讘讬谉 讗诪转 诇驻讬拽爪讬讛. 住专讟讛 ‘Negai wo hiku (Drawing […]

Elodie Pong // (CH)

讗诇讜讚讬 驻讜谞讙 谞讜诇讚讛 讘讘讜住讟讜谉, 讗专讛”讘 讘砖谞转 1966 讜讞讬讛 讜注讜讘讚转 讘爪讬专讬讱. 注讘讜讚讜转 讛讜讬讚讗讜, 讛诪讬爪讙讬诐 讜讛诪讬爪讘讬诐 砖诇讛 注讜住拽讬诐 讘谞讜砖讗讬诐 讞讘专转讬讬诐 讜转专讘讜转讬讬诐 砖讘讻讜转专讜转. 谞讬转谉 诇转讗专 讗转 注讘讜讚讜转讬讛 讻讘讞讬谞讛 讗住转讟讬转 谞住讬讜谞讬转 砖诇 讛讻讜讞讜转 讛诪讙讘讬诇讬诐 砖诇 拽讜讚讬诐 转专讘讜转讬讬诐, 谞讜专诪讜转 讞讘专转讬讬转 讜诪讘谞讬诐 讘’注讬讚谉 驻讜住讟-讛讻诇’. 讗转 讛讛讻专讛 讛讙讚诇讛 诇驻讜讟谞爪讬讗诇 讛讗诪谞讜转讬 砖诇讛 谞讬转谉 诇专讗讜转 讘讻诪讜转 转注专讜讻讜转 讬讞讬讚 讜拽讘讜爪讬转讬讜转 讘讛谉 讛讬讗 诪砖转转驻转 讘砖讜讜讬抓 讜讘注讜诇诐 […]

Ido Govrin, Liora Belford, Karni Postel // Interval Recordings (IL)

聽 Duprass are Liora Belford (Video) and Ido Govrin (Sound) in a special show together with acclaimed musician and cellist, Karni Postel. Duprass’ creation of art (audio-visual works, mixed media installations and live performances) is strongly leaning to the aesthetics of minimalism, abstraction, restrained gestures and compassion. Postel has been musically active in everything from […]

Uri Lahav // Cheap Friday (IL)

聽 Uri Lahav, one of Israels most talented visual artists, providing unique light and projection design at the venue. 聽 讗讜专讬 诇讛讘, 讗讞讚 诪讛讬讜爪专讬诐 讛诪讜讻砖专讬诐 讘讗专抓 讘转讞讜诐 讛讜讬讝讜讗诇讬, 讗讞专讗讬 诇讞诇拽讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐 讘注讬爪讜讘 讛讞诇诇, 讛转讗讜专讛 讜讛讛拽专谞讛 讘诪转讞诐 鈥欁涀溩欁b. Uri Lahav on Myspace:

Yair Etziony & Kapi // Spekk, False Ind. (IL)

聽 Yair Etziony, is a composer and producer and has been a key member of the Israeli electronic music scene for many years, being one of the driving forces behind the 鈥楳icropeople鈥 and 鈥楨xercise鈥 collectives. Yair will perform a live set from his new Vermont works, which is an abstraction of techno music, filled with […]

Yayehe Smon Mehari // (IL)

聽 Yayehe Smon is a music producer, DJ and sound artists combining field recordings with live processing of audio and visual materials. Mehari draws from a multitude of music styles and heritages in order to create an exceptional and mesmerizing journey. He will perform with two Israeli premiers: 鈥樷楲andscape Resonance鈥 and 鈥楨xodus鈥. Avishai Fish (vocals […]

Bloke // 卤G6PD, Digital Cranky, Machine Records (IL)

聽 Bloke is the moniker of electronic musician Yaniv Navot, who has been producing, performing and DJ鈥檌ng in Europe, the UK and Israel. His music could be described as glitch music, idm music, breakbeat and drill and bass manipulation. He is a unique and exceptional musician, with high skilled programming techniques in handling super-fast beats […]